12年前我通过朋友介绍认识了 Catherine。 跟她买了第一份保险。在这10多年期间,通过 Catherine 专业的建议与指导,我陆续买了医疗保险,疾病保险,储蓄保险,人寿保险,意外保险和汽车保险。让我的生活有了100%的保障。 生活中总是会发生很多意想不到的事,很多事都是突如其来的,让你措手不及。我这几年就对这一点深有体会。但是因为跟 Catherine 买了保险,所以每次我都会对这些事处理得从容不迫。比如说孩子意外受伤,汽车被别人剐蹭,身体不适需要住院等等,每次我都无需担心,只要打一通电话给Catherine, 她都会细心、耐心地帮助我处理索赔的繁琐程序,让我在最短的时间内拿到应得的赔偿金。令我最感动的是有时候事情发生在半夜,她也会耐心地及时帮助我处理问题,甚至是在医院陪伴我,等一切都安顿好了才离开。在此我要为她的这份责任心点赞👍👍👍 能有幸认识 Catherine 这样专业的保险经纪,我觉得是我人生最大的收获。
I met Catherine through a friend 12 years ago. I bought my first insurance from her. During these period, I had ben professionally guided by Catherine & had gradually bought the necessary insurance policies namely Hospital & Surgical Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Savings Plan Life insurance, Personal Accident Insurance and my Motorcar Insurance. I'm assured with 100% protection. There are always many unexpected things happening in life, and many things are sudden and unprepared. I have had a deep understanding of this in recent years. But because I bought insurance with Catherine, I deal with these things with ease every time. For example, when my child was accidentally injured, my car is brushed against & scratched by others, when I'm so sick & needed to be at the A&E etc., I didn’t need to worry every time. I'll just need to make a call to Catherine & she will help me to handle the cumbersome procedure of the claim carefully and patiently. She'll always make sure that I'll get the compensation that I deserved in shortest time. What impressed me most was that sometimes things happened in the middle of the night, she would patiently help me deal with the problem immediately. She would even accompany me in the hospital and waited till everything was settled. I'd want to sing praise on her responsibility. I am very fortunate to have met a professional insurance agent like Catherine. I think it is the biggest gain in my life.